Thursday, September 27, 2012

Gangnam Style, Kolaveri and Innocence

If you have an existence on social networking sites, you could not have missed a portly Korean man prancing around in extraordinary goofy style which is now "Gangnam Style" the most viewed and liked video in the history of Youtube.  

Some time back, another video sung quiet off-key by Southern Actor Dhanush "Kolaveri Di" was  the talk of town, this very ordinary piece of singing reaching a far greater reach than imagined.  Clearly in this era of the highly networked world, an Internet connection and social media channels like Twitter, Facebook and Youtube, ideas both good, bad, ugly and funny can resonate across the world. 

Takes me back to the song Friday by Rebecca Black which was derided by people all over the world, imagine the kind of rejection the poor girl would have faced.  Still the criticism stayed virtual or the trolls who hound celebs, journalists with vulgar and crude language. 

Sadly another video found a much larger audience than it should have, "The innocence of Muslims" a disparaging video made by mischievous elements with extremely poor production values and the voices overdubbed so even the actors were taken for a ride. 

Such an ugly video, found credence and has been circulated by the same social media channels which promote so much of mirth to become a weapon of hate, leading to deaths and damage to people and property. A mob killing an envoy, bomb killing Russians and South Africans in Afghanistan and attacks on Norwegian embassies and protests worldwide.

The Innocence of Muslims is not the only ugly video on the Internet, there are lots of hate videos against Hindus, Muslims, Christians and Sikhs. 

The violence has promoted many nations to block social media sites. Censorship will only take the world on a slippery road, and violence over hate speeches and thoughts will only increase the fault-lines in the society. 

Social Media is not the cause of unrest but only an medium for amplification. I hope in not so distance future only Kolaveri ( Murderous rage) is reserved for the likes of Dhanush and people learn to take things in stride and live life "Gangnam Style".

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. In fact have the wisdom to reject hateful thoughts.

Saturday, September 8, 2012


This post on The Dark Knight Rises (TDKR) is long due now, one of the reasons to wait so long was not seem like a crazed fan-boy ( which off course I am ).   TDKR is a movie event I have been awaiting for the last 4 years after the Dark Knight which was a mind blowing movie which is the Gold Standard for a super hero movie. 

TDKR definitely was a good movie, not as enthralling or having memorable dialogues like its predecessor, the problem being no one could figure out what the hell Bane was saying behind his mask.  The best thing about the movie was the ending which still intrigues me even today, weeks after. 

The Batman actually hangs up his boots and leaves Gotham for good. A superhero who has had enough.  The Batman / Bruce Wayne unlike other superheros like Clark Kent / Peter Parker is not from a humble background or gifted with super powers.  The Batman was never about hope, it was always about channelizing his guilt of being an unwilling part in his parent's death because of his fear of bats. 

The Batman must surely go down in comic book history as one of the most clinically depressed, brooding superheroes who derived no peace in saving Gotham or putting criminals behind bars. 

Christopher Nolan through his Batman trilogy does give Bruce Wayne the perfect arc, starts off as an angry jock, finds his purpose in life in Batman Begins, encounters the Joker and the death of Rachel pushes him off the edge in the Dark Knight and finally in the third  installment he rises above his pain, guilt and anger to save Gotham and himself.

Both Harvey Dent and Bruce Wayne were great men but how each dealt with his pain made the difference, Bruce used his pain for good whilst Dent went down a destructive path. Eventually even Bruce had to move on. 

Remember no pain remains forever, no obligations or burden needs to be borne for eternity, no-one or nothing is irreplaceable ... not even The Dark Knight.