Saturday, December 13, 2008

Thank God …. Why God ?

As much I try to move away from the Mumbai Terror attack of 26/11 from making it the topic of discussion on my blog, I am unable to think further. Let me be honest, I feel the jitters in a crowded places like in the malls or when I venture out of my work place, the company which is one of the symbols of Indian economy of an terror strike. One consistent comment, I got about my last post about the five vultures, was that I was only commenting on the problems but did not actually address the issue.

My answer to that is I am really not yet come to the frame of mind to arrive at the definitive solution. If I have to surmise what I feel is possible, is to continue to apply diplomatic pressure on our neighboring nation and increase the vigilance of the borders. It will be a long drawn out struggle to root out this menace of terror. Maybe more of the my thoughts to address this issue in the next post perhaps.

In the continuing coverage on the television channels, most of the victims said Thank God, we made it out alive from the ordeal. There are many people who just escaped the massacre because of serendipity. All these people have a God to thank, but to think of the unfortunate ones who lost their lives, further more their families and friends in this tragedy. These lives are left with life long emotional scars. Why God ?

Why God allows innocents die in such mindless conflicts? Why do women feel so unsafe in the world and have to face rape, dowry deaths and domestic violence? Why is there poverty and hunger for so many in this world. I can ask countless such questions and fill up reams of virtual paper.

Alternatively I have a thousand reasons to thank god as well. Thank God for giving me a good family and friends. Thank god for providing me with the opportunities for this education and lifestyle. Thank God for creating such a magnificent creation that is nature and the beauty which surrounds all of us.

I admit for a long time, ideologically I was getting driven towards atheism and recently I read this book 'The God Delusion' which makes the case for atheism and denounces religion in all forms. I agree on one point in this book that the concept of personal God is based on irrational belief and is just based on the random continent and community into which a person is born into actually. I could have been Hindu or Muslim depending on the family into which I was born into and would on to advocate either religion with equal ferocity depending on the conditioning I would have received from childbirth.

But still, there are some mysteries like the origin of the universe and why humans are the only dominant species in this planet that has such an evolved mind and a sense of free will. When I see arguments on both sides, I am forced to admit I find myself gravitating towards the middle and I say I do not know if God exists or not.

Both sides operate on assumptions made on a certain premise which seems so obvious to one side and not so to the other side. As long as arguments are based on some assumptions, the debate can never find a logical end with one side coming up triumphs. I have to state my final words on this issue, as long any man follows his heart and does no evil to other and spends his energies to better himself and society that is a good enough philosophy for me.

The best gift man has received is his intellect and the freedom to make his own choice. Off course you also won't have your way always. When 6 billion humans in the world are exercising their free will in the same time ( that includes politcians, jehadis and also the girl whom you really care about :P as well). In my view the many possiblities and interaction of so many variables is Destiny, not that a God in heaven is writing our fates in a celestial book but just the thoughts and actions of His creations on this earth. In a way this world is a self governing system.

So as long as happiness and sorrows co-exist in this world, so will the questions Thank God, Why God ? persist. I would like to conclude with a quote I really like “It is not about how the cards are dealt, it is how you play them”

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