Sunday, April 26, 2009

Love, Friends and Sitcoms

One interesting thing to notice regarding the themes running common in the most popular sitcoms in the era :- F.R.I.E.N.D.S , How I met your Mother and Coupling ( BBC Brit Comedy I am addicted to these days) is love and friendship. Why are these two themes so universal, I guess the reason is that these are two relationships which a person chooses for himself and it is not imposed by him by nature or society. 

It is also bit ironic, that the relations in which we have the greatest freedom to choose, makes us the most vulnerable. These are the relationships which give us the greatest joy and despair. Guess, that is the price we have to pay for the freedom.

The inspiration for this post is me watching back to back episodes of How I met your Mother season II for past 2 weekends which I finished shortly before starting this post. So the main characters in this serial really represent the various views people hold regarding a relationship. 

Ted – Who believes in true love and the concept of finding the one and yes bit unlucky in love

Robin – an independent woman who finds commitment and marriage unacceptable

Lily and Marshall – The college sweethearts who have been eternally together and symbol of true love for all other friends in the group. I guess we all have such a couple in our friend circles although you do admire them but there is always a tinge of envy if we too could find some one special like that.

Barney - A chronic bachelor who loves the single life who seems shallow and callous on the surface but does have a warm side as good friend who however is cynical towards the some one special concept.

The season 2 beings with Lily and Marshall broken up and Ted and Robin getting together. The journey sees ups and downs for both couples with Lily and Marshall getting married whilst Ted and Robin breaking up for good at the end of season.

One more interesting dimension of this serial, it is set in the future Ted telling his children how he met their mother. It is known to the viewers that Robin is not the some one special but Ted does not know that yet and he believes in the magic of this current relationship and goes through it with smiles and tears on the way. 

The beauty of the serial lies in the fact the true identity of the mother is never revealed but it always ends with the promise of a better tomorrow for Ted.

Life often does not follow plans perfectly but it often turns out more perfect than planned. Keep the faith ! 


  1. I just think that the concept of romantic love is overdramatised and oversold and obsessed over way too much. I mean just for argument's sake look at the marriages of yesteryears: did they have any big 'choice' of who they got married to? They eventually allowed the love to grow over time and they loved that person because he/she was the spouse. I mean does a mother have a choice when she gives birth to a child, whether to love it or not? She does anyway even if the kid is ugly and dull.
    Also the 'elusiveness' of this love is also very amusing to me. Its like this whole world trying to rub it in your face as if that's the whole point of your existence. It's like this iphone or mac that you don't have.

  2. well television is the medium for dramatization in addition all of us do want to have a "perfect" love story, it does boost our ego and makes us believe our existence on the planet is more worthwhile.

    The point I wanted to make in this post was we get hurt when we get fixated with a particular goal. Ted here was chasing a mirage, a woman who did not share his ideals/dreams but hoped love will conquer all ... it does not really people do not change so its better to find a person who best meets your expectations and learn to compromise on the rest but the fundamentals should be strong never the less.

    So forced arranged marriages does not come into the picture or progeny, as I am talking on implications of pure free choice alone here.

    answering your third query, I agree with you here well having a bf/gf like a fashion accessory is ridiculous and the pursuit to fill this void as result of peer pressure in order to fit into social circles is rather silly

  3. I think you perfectly picked the ONLY two very important relationships that we choose. And the fact that these are the ones we are most vulnerable against couldn't be more true...:-)
    This line is one of the best I have heard in recent times.

    Really nice one bro! and I will soon watch this sitcom too...Coupling is simply brilliant with Jeff's theories..:-D

  4. @ Intrepid -
    yeah coupling :) - Because he is Jeff and there is no known cure !! really a laugh riot !

    thanks for the kind words :) am really waiting for your next post !!

  5. Season 3:

    Barney sleeps with Robin. Ted finds out.
    Ted & Barney are no more on speaking terms.
    Lily finds out, Barney have a soft corner for Robin. He blushes on very presence of Robin. Ted breaks off with the "yellow umbrella" lady.

  6. thanks @ me - for the heads up on season 3 I havent seen it yet :D

  7. Hey dude...this is technically the first time i have ever read ur blog post..and must say its pretty cool. Keep it up...:)

    As for the topic of conversation here, u've hit the nail on the head.Love and frdship are indeed the relations which nourish us.Am saying nourish cause we exist due to our parents and can never be thankful enough for everything they have done and will do for us.

    I am a big fan too of both FRIENDS and How I Met your Mother.

  8. Hey this is the first time am reading ur blog post....pretty good job. Keep it up :)

    As for the topic of conversation, I absolutely agree that love and frdship are the relations which nourish us.True love and caring friends help us thru the journey( commonly called life).The contributions of our parents can of course never be undermined cause we exist cause of them and cant be grateful enough for all that they have done and continue to do for us.

    It just becomes very simple if instead of being by urself u are surrounded by genuine frds and a spouse who likes u for what u are. Its akin to sitting next to a bonfire on a cold winter night...

    As for the sitcoms...oh boy am a big fan too of FRIENDS and How I Met Your Mother :)

  9. hey beens - thanks for your first comments on my blog :) love and friendship has the magic to do maximum damage or good for a person !! the beauty is you discover great friends when u have a tough time in your life ! so tough times are not necessarily a bad thing !

    pls do keep reading and keep the comments coming :)

  10. Baba...I think u captured the essence of HIMYM as well as the relationships very well...good to read.

  11. @ mayank bhai - Ironically I saw season 1 after season 2 episodes, ted's even more despo in that phase :) almost like an awkward teenager .... really miss that kind of innocence and faith though now !

  12. Freedom is not for everyone. You having it in the present do not justify its presence with you in the future. This freedom is manifested in many ways in our life. Friendship and love are just some of its manifestations. We desire to have it yet most of us lack the authority of retaining it.
    However the desire of having freedom eternally in every aspect is very fundamental to our existence. This causes us to be vulnerable; however it is not due to sheer ignorance.
    Rather we desire to vulnerable in these manifestations. We desire because it makes feel the pain of not having it makes us feel the urge of having it retaining it in the future. Pain, friends acts very weirdly when it is associated with freedom. History gives us a lot of proof of people accepting the pain they get in having manifestations of freedom. It acts as a Catalyst, like viagra, like any of those drugs that’s makes you go mad with desire, makes you feel to die for having this one only thing, which just sheer manifestations of freedom. The new age media uses these reflections to make profits yet not always in bad faith by exploiting those who will succumb to these manifestations. It is people who desire for it, Want it, need it to have either have happiness or pain both increasing their feeling to cherish freedom in present and fight for it in the future.

  13. @ prakash - Intense thoughts my friend, I think there are 2 aspects to humanity, man seeks control over his own life, but at the same time if things being to go his/her way, discontent and yearning for challenge arises... so it is journey of seeking own choice which makes life special ! see friends and love are choices we make, they may or may not be the best choices, but its circumstances and our attitudes which makes the choice right or wrong ....
