Thursday, April 1, 2010

Aren’t we all somehow like Alice in Wonderland ?

Alice in Wonderland even though considered a children’s novel had lots of quirky characters and moments. That is why I was really looking forward to Tim Burton’s take on this classic. Burton himself is known for his bizarre take on Batman, The planet of the apes and Edward Scissorhands. Surprisingly the director opted for a simple linear tale of Alice returning to wonderland after many years and how she fights the evil Red Queen. Although the movie was bit disappointing you do realize the characters in Wonderland are not so alien after all and we all have in fact encountered people like them in our daily lives.

The Red Queen: The feared queen who is bit conscious of her rather large head and that insecurity makes her more aggressive towards people. Somewhere she does wonder if its better to be loved than feared; however her natural aggressive nature takes over she feels only fear is the instrument of controlling people around her.

The Mad Hatter: Although he is extremely eccentric and quixotic, he has the dream of over throwing the red queen one day. But then as Alice comments in the end, it’s the mad people who end up doing great things. One delightful scene in the movie was when the Chester Cat asks him for his hat as he would have no use for it post his execution. The Hatter declines and replies it is a formal event so I must look my best. (Classic Johnny Depp J)

The White Queen: Although she resents the rule of Red Queen, as she is bound to her vows of not harming another life she is unable to take action, it is similar of so many of us bound by bonds of relationship, or misplaced loyalty lacking the courage what is correct.

Alice: She jumps into the rabbit hole to avoid a marriage proposal which she was being forced to marry against her will. Once in wonderland she is expected to become a warrior to take on the Red Queen. She is a girl on whom the world always seems to hoist unreasonable expectations on. Although no one can avoid one’s fate, she does fulfill her destiny as a liberator on her own terms.

To conclude, the key message from the movie although we do cannot avoid our fate or destiny but we do have the choice to make the right choice with courage, win or lose it is important to do what is right. Running from away from life will never solve problems in fact compound them even further as Alice finds out by hopping into the rabbit hole.

Remember life is like that rabbit hole, the more you run the worse it gets !

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