Thursday, July 21, 2011

Do not let Ajmal Kasab Win !

I swore to myself after the 13/7 bomb blasts in Mumbai, I would not write a post on this topic. People including myself experienced the deja vu feelings after 26/11 and I went on a rant on whats going wrong , there has been little progress but not good enough to prevent such an unfortunate incident.

People are enraged and even more cynical than ever, that is understandable. We want our government and police to do much more, we have all the rights to demand action. 

But instead of addressing the key issues of better policing, improving intelligence networks and how to isolate Pakistan in the international community and people are taking increasingly alarmist positions. 

Subramanium Swamy's Xenophobic views

Dr. Subramanium Swamy who claims to be the one who exposed the 2G scam and speaks of several credentials and a known Sonia Gandhi hater wrote on a piece in DNA  and suggested steps like declaring India as Hindu Rashtra and demolishing mosques as possible solutions to solving the problem.

This bigoted appoarch will create further cracks in our society and push India towards a horrific future.

Kasab and Madani enjoying in Jail

Another mischievous track which began in news papers and blogs is how Indians ( particularly Hindus) are suffering while elements like Kasab, Madani and Afzal Guru are having a great time in jail. Another carnard, sure there has been some delays some justified and some unjustified but instead of seeing Muslims in India as part of our own nation, isolating them is so unfair.

Migrants are the problem

Raj Thackeray playing to the gallery and trying to isolate Mumbai from the rest of the country, also the limited point that we need more policing and focus, there are enough criminal elements who have been born and bred in Maharashtra itself, there is no need to point fingers at northern states.

All Indians who attended Ghulam Nabi Fai's conferences are traitors

It has emerged recented that Mr. Ghulam Nabi Fai a lobbyist in Washington DC who organized conferences on Kashmir issue was on the pay roll of ISI to propogate Pakistan's agenda. Many number of Indian journalists and illuminaries attended such conferences, now an attempt is being made all of them colluded and hence guilty by association they are all traitors.

Shocking indeed, people are ready to buy into the Islamphobia and start dividing the country on religious lines again. No country which is ready to buy into an xenophobic theory cannot be going on the right path, as tommorrow people will even condole rights and ethitic cleansing/geocides.

I dont know when Ajmal Kasab will be even hanged, but I know the terrorists will win if we get divided and fall into the spiral of hate and fear. 
Dont let Ajmal Kasab win and dont let the multi cultural plurality of India get destroyed by the lunatic fringe elements. 

P.S: I recently read that the AIMPLB ( Muslim Body) is planning to protest the Indian Govt. proposal to make right to education a compulsory right and several Madrassas could get de-recognized as they dont have minimum facilities. I hope the government of India does not give into the pressure of vote bank politics. The standards how we judge religious intolerance must be the same for all. 

Friday, July 1, 2011

How Twitter killed the Movie Star

Once upon a time, we had film actors on a pedestal and people would buy film magazines like Film-fare and Star Dust to get the latest dope on them and there was just one channel Doordarshan which ran programs like Chaya-Geet, Chitrahaar and Rangoli which ran songs for half an hour once a week.  Movies ran for weeks and a movie was certified a hit on number of days at the box office. 

Film stars were exclusive in fact reclusive and people craved for attention and information. But that was the year 1991 and now it’s 2011. In the last 20 years, the business of movie making has changed its all about the first weekend and the multiplex audience.  There are so many pressures to market the movie on all traditional mediums and social media channels.

 It is like carpet bombing basically;you cannot miss the cast of the latest big blockbuster on telly, radio, new channels, news papers, TV shows and internet. 

A set of Twitter species has emerged from Bollywood in the new order. A sample below:- 

  •  Out of Work Actor/Actresses: There are so many out of work actors/actresses who have precious little to do expect cut some ribbons and becoming good will ambassadors for some events. They keep tweeting about “Love NY”; “awesome Toronto” or "Go Deccan Chargers" to let people know they are still alive.
  • Burned out directors/actors: There are 45+ year old burned out gentlemen who are born again social activists who support Anna Hazare and Ramdev in their fight against corruption and black money but won’t make a peep about the string of actresses getting caught in airports for customs violations
  • PR junkies: There are unapologetic guileless actors/authors who wake up before a movie/book release and keep tweeting links, new coverage and tit-bits about their upcoming release. Cultivate a positive image to increase twitter followers count and keep advertising it. ( 100 K followers today, 400 K tomorrow)
  • Pure Attention Seekers: There are some people who are so desperate for your attention and will tweet sensational junk. There is a director known for his underworld movies who said he will offer a movie to Maria Susiraj ( the girl involved in the Neeraj Grover case) and yesterday was using cuss words to praise Big B's latest movie.

One cannot really help but pity these people from the film industry;Twitter robs them of the sheen and the mystic they once had. You see them for what they really are, human beings just like us, insecure, petty, confused, biased, vain, hypocritical and mostly boring. 

Damn Twitter killed the movie star. I hate Twitter for that.

P.S: 1 Rajnikant has no Twitter account neither does he endorse any brands and doesn’t gives exclusive interviews. He is a bald 65 years old  man who seems mostly like the uncle next door but when he dons the grease paint he becomes and always will be the SUPER-STAR. 

P.S: 2   If you are regular on Twitter you will know whom I am talking about :)