Saturday, October 8, 2011

News Channels Today - Peddling Aspirations or Pure Denial ?

if you follow the news channels in India regularly apart from the politician bashing you will probably be seeing these headlines getting repeated over time with some small variations. 

China fixation / India Superpower
if you see experts in TV studios you would believe India is a superpower and developed nation which is just days from a permanent seat in UN security council. In its flight of fantasy it needs to match China in military prowess and pursue an aggressive foreign policy. 

 Pubs/Alcohol Age 
 If you followed the news about actor Imran Khan who is opposing the increased official age of drinking to 25 as an affront to the freedom of Indians ( I guess adding the right to booze to the Constitution is really the need of the hour) and the draconian laws in Bangalore pubs of shutting down too early.

 IIT / St Stephens fixation 
 Another key headline is the entire IIT debate of Narayan Murthy and Chetan Bhagat and about the quality of students from our premier institutions. Reams of news print and air time spend on discussing mostly Chetan Bhagat's point of view ( not by co-coincidence He is having a book launch soon ) Offcourse some or the other stories about St. Stephens, I am quite surprised that Mani Shankar Aiyer got away easy with his Hansraj BA pass remark on Sports Minister Ajay Makhan. 

 Exclusive Interviews with Actors 
 Another trend is the interviews with actors, its a win win because its easy TRPs and no efforts to research or report and for the actors like SRK, Ranbir Kapoor good marketing for their up coming releases. 

 Reading out Twitter Posts 
 Is it even a real journalist job, reading out twitter posts ?? Actually Twitter is the best thing which happened to 24X7 journalists, verified soundbytes ( 140 characters ) delivered on your smartphone by the celebs. 

 Over Simplification / News for Dummies 
 Even the issue of Rs 32 as the poverty line demarcator was taken as another opportunity to bash the political class but never little attempt made to understand the rationale or economics behind it. In case of the Anna Hazare campaign, some news channels were taking sides with the outraged middle class instead of an objective news analysis. 

 Always going soft on corporates 
 Of all talk of corruption in India, the media is deliberately soft on corporates because one negative report on the house of Tatas or a Reliance will result in massive drop in advertising revenues. Secondly to make the middle class comfortable that paying bribes is because of the system and off load own guilt by blaming only the netas and bureaucrats. 
 Is it a delibrate denial ?
Clearly the news and media channels are not naïve or blundering idiots to not having to pick up real issues and deleve deeper (expect CNN-IBN's Karan Tharpar show The Last Word and some shows on NDTV) rest of the News channels just want to indulge the Indian middle class fixation with institutions of higher education, the fantasy of India taking on China and fueling the need become a more materialistic consumerism driven society.

There is a clear whitewashing of the stories of the poor India, health care and rising inflation. For the new middle class paying 1000 Rs to a domestic help is much costly than spending the same at a spa or a pub is not a problem. The increasing hedonistic mindset of the affluent class whilst lack of sensitivity towards the less fortunate is indeed disturbing. The media shows us what we want to see rose tinted picture hiding all details 
that which can make us uncomfortable.
The role of news media has changed from enlightening and educating the viewers to engaging and entertaining but in the race for TRPs and showing quarterly profits, can we blame the media or do we as a society need to evolve as well.


  1. They say history is written by winners and clearly, media channels realize it. There are a lot of things that the media does not cover due to backlash. Today media is a mind washing monster and following it day and night will make you a mindless zombie. Also i disagree with you rationale with the BPL agenda, you cant survive with that in today's inflation.

  2. @ Ronak - I am not justifying the 32 Rs BPL decision but there was little attempt to explain how the 32 Rs was arrived at.

    there is more heat and less light in most TV debates !!
