Saturday, February 16, 2013

Censorship and abdication of the state !

It is off course old news, the ban on Kamal Hassan's movie and the outrage news media has moved on since to the VVIP helicopter scam, as of 24X7 is like a genie which needs new and new challenges and does not really have the time to linger on the past.

The spectacle of a movie cleared by the censor board and even released in other nations and states but is banned in the home state of TN because the CM says she does not have the security to guard each cinema hall.  In a clear abdication of her responsibilities  she goes on to give a mathematical calculation of the police constables available and she cannot protect 550+ theaters. By that logic none of 1 billion Indians excluding VVIPS and industrialists are safe in this country.

 In a country where a facebook status update can get you arrested or girl band can be bullied into submission by a fatwa and threats in social media and a government which does little to curb the fringe elements across religious lines only creates a social where the majority prefers to be silent and watch freedoms been curbed.

A society where law enforcement is limited, a police force which is intimidating and court cases which takes years to be taken to resolution, there is little hope but rather more cynicism and anger on the system. this was  seen in the aftermath of the Delhi gangrape case, instead of engaging the youth the government instead used water cannons and lathi charge on the crowds.

How curious is that, the government finds it easier to terrorize the slient majority than take action on the fringe elements. If a veteran actor like Kamal Hassan can be bullied into re-censoring a movie then what chance does the common man have ?

As it stands, there is little hope left, the middle class is so helpless, they are ready to follow any voice which will take on the system which can represent a radical change, i.e. earlier the support for Jan lokpal and now the fascination for the iron leader from Gujarat, in a way looking for a easy way out of the mess.

Every time we step back with a movie ban, facebook & twitter related arrest or remove paintings from a museum, we are only digging ourselves into a deeper and darker pit.

"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably - Star Trek TNG

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