Wednesday, November 5, 2008

First things first .... why are we here ??

This is going to be my first blog, I was thinking I should be focusing on being articulate and taking time to crystallize my views or be spontaneous type out the stuff on my mind and see if it can be more of bouncing of my ideas with friends....

Since right now i am lacking the discipline to think too much, i think i will just ramble through this one and let me begin with my most favorite topic .... "Why are you here ?? ( as in existence)"
The answer which people give thanks to what popular notions seems to lead back to the fate and god paradox ..... if things go in your favour then thank the lord and in case it goes against you blame fate.... is the world so simplistic or need for us keep our sanity ??

i mean if today i have some thing bad happening to me .... it feels justified because i must have been bad in the previous life or the person hurting me today will have his/her comeuppance on day .... the world is fair and to be said "fairly regulated" if i must add unlike the US financial markets.

My personal feeling is that we wish that there is a grand scheme in all this and we have a major role to play in it .... it gives our life a purpose that puts up on the top of the evolution chain and keep our superiority over other flora fauna inhabiting this habit.

So the fundamentals of our thoughts, persona and rational outlook are based on simple axioms which do not necessarily rational.

Till recently, I saw this world as a random experiment of 6 billion humans and million other variables which play on each other ..... one man's choice is other person's destiny so where does God come into the picture though .....

if life is going good, we trust the fate and the pretty picture it paints ... but it is in the lows we question everything ....

I particularly do not have a definitive answer of why we are here ?? I think perhaps its our intuitive purpose to find out why.

yes I do believe that we have the right to be happy in every stage of our existence in the world .... and if faith gives us that happiness so let it be .... but we shouldn't take it as the gospel truth.


  1. The question that you have asked as to where do we fit into scheme of things has prompted me to ask myself another question. "Do I fit in the scheme of things?". Somehow i have always felt that I do not fit in this world. Maybe i am just weird. But sometimes when i see other people(which is very rare) I realize that none of fit in this world, what we do is fit the world around us. For me, I am the world, I am my guru, I am my best friend, I am my worst enemy, I am my savior and I am my destroyer. The rest of the world including fellow humans, animals, plants, insects, micro-organisms, non-living things are here just to complement me. But the fool that I am I always give all these things more importance than myself. Maybe thats the way i am. I fit myself around the world, instead of fitting the world around me. I am still waiting for the day I live for myself.... Weird world eh?

  2. Why r we here?? .................... hmmmmmmmm may be .............. "Because it is there"...."it" as in the world, what say?

  3. thanks pavithra and abhi for first comments on this blog

    @ pavithra :

    When i read your question first " Do I fit in the scheme of things??" i felt you are saying that we humans are programmed to having to fit in to the constraints that comes from conditioning and the notions we learn .... As oscar wilde says "people forgive everything except genius" people can perhaps find their purpose when i make the world fit in with them .... when they make their own way !!

    @ Abhi

    Your view is that of a mountaineer or explorer ... take on the mountain its there .... although i accept that is a fair approach ... u should question your beliefs to know if we are climbing the right mountain :) wot say

  4. So the quarter life crisis ha culminated into a blog.
    Welcome to blogging. :)

  5. @ khalil and ankita

    thanks for the encouragement ...
    would like to hear your perspectives too if possible !
