Saturday, November 8, 2008

Why so serious ???

The title of this blog might lead you to think its another take on the Joker and the Dark Knight mercifully its not .... i guess the topics most written about this year would include this movie, Obama and financial markets ..... which are not going to be focus of my ramblings here ..... The focus this time is about babies .... which I have been seeing a lot of in the past week or so ....

One sight which really makes me happy or I guess any adult for that matter is the face of a smiling goofy baby and the squealing noises they make ..... It is a great joy to see a creation of pure innocence and a bundle of energy ..... Off late i have been observing them fairly closely in shopping malls , company buses ( yeah moms picking up kids from the electronic city day care centres after a hard day's work ! ) and at my friends place ....

Most of us when asked when asked what was the best phase of life .... would say "bachpan was the thing ever ..... koi tension hai bas masti karthe rahe ho". It would be interesting to look deeper into that statement ...... offcourse there are pressures on us of acads, jobs and relationships which perhaps weigh us down ... but somewhere along the way when we are coping with this world , we forget the things which we really were good at as kids .... the stuff which made us understand and master the world in the first place ....

Short attention span - I guess the best thing which kids can do better than adults is keeping moving from thing to another, unlike us who can really get fixated and brooding about something

So Curious - this is wot really amazes me about babies, the amount of concentration they put it to understand the environs in which they are placed ...... the little eyes keep darting about to know more and more ....

Demand Attention when required - Babies arent so egostic like us .... when they need something they cry ... tell people around how they feel or scream their lungs out to make thier point if needed

open to new people - kids have really cracked this formula ..... make good eye contact and give a blooming smile ...... i guess the one of the better if not the best way to be open and make new friends ......

I guess there are many more facets of a baby and i could going on and on..... but I know is fairly simplistic to say that we all should be child like and carefree which off course is not possible in entirety.... .

but every once in a while ..... we should look at these little wonderful angels around which ask us the question "WHY SO SERIOUS??"


  1. Yea, this post brought a big smile!
    And I was no longer serious :P!

    I go crazy after kids..They are the most wonderful people on the innocent, so truthful, so full of zest( sometimes its contagious),curiosity personified,they have that hunger to know tho they maynt understand! All around when I see kids, they infact wake up the child in me. Make me enjoy life,if u've noticed, their view point on things makes us think differently. They dont hold back emotions like us, they make u free :)

  2. thanks ankita :)

    the point you made about contagious is correct,humans are like sponges... in an negative environment we soak up those emotions and vice versa... babies do set us free in any frame of mind !

  3. The best things about kids (specially the 2-3 year variety) is their enthusiasm. Try getting one to sit quitely for 10 mins and you shall see what I mean. So weird that this one things that we loose out to come naturally out of us at age of 20+ when that is what should keep us going.

  4. yeah khalil bhai ....
    2-3 year olds are the chatty ones and really the busy bees, but the smaller ones i really like with wide open eyes and chubby cheeks :)
