Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Random Images ....

For a while now, I have been thinking for a theme to blog on but some how, nothing seems that pertinent to write on elections, hate speeches or monster dads. So just decided to pen my thoughts on some random images which have stayed with me for the past week or so.
Bulleted List
A perky 4 year old kid in a train

I saw the kid in the train accompanied by his parents and he was one cocky, loud kid screaming his lungs out at 6.00 am in the morning and at that time did not seem cute at all to me or the co-passengers. But there were two stand out moments in the journey though

  • At one point of time, the train was going really slow, he said mom i will get down and push the train to move faster, his mother giggled at this show of strength the kid obviously hurt said he is really strong and pick up the train too with all seriousness
  • Second really funny moment was when the kid was given a drawing book to color and he was to color Mickey Mouse, the kid ended up coloring the entire page black and saying mom see how fast I can color with proud approving glances from mommy dearest !
What can I say, the innocence and the perkiness of the kid and love of the supportive mother made this image stick on my mind.
A photo of a newly wed bride

Thanks to the update features of social networking sites, the most often thing you see are newly updated photos, and I saw one such photograph which captured a very serene and peaceful look of a newly wedded bride. I mean there was love and happiness in the eyes too, but the strong sense of completeness which has come about by the union was very apparent.

The reason the image stuck in my head is probably I often see people happy and over excited which often is short lived and leads to strife soon but then we do find the one eventually after a few bumps on the way and we know it is the bond of a lifetime the moment is rather special.

Old Age a Reality Check

I met a relative of mine close to 7-8 years later and found him a completely changed person, teeth gone, sagging shoulders and mentally very tired. As a kid, I remember him as a very sharp, intelligent and well dressed person but time has taken severe toll due to illness and other problems.

This image did shake me up a bit, I cannot generalize but I always behave like I am going to live for ever and I take a few things for granted youth, intellect and health perhaps I did exist in a bubble of illusion. The bubble has finally burst and I do have food for thought.


If I have to just put a common theme around these three images, in childhood we are rambunctious and so full of life, we do not know what lies in store in the future. In our youth we face our victories and defeats which shape our lives. Finally time catches up with us and we fade away inevitably.

Quoting from a movie I saw long back, which had these closing lines which are apt here

"Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives, but I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment because they'll never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we've lived"

The choice is up to us if we want to fear time as an enemy or enjoy the moments as they come.


  1. This is a really nice entry man. Even without the pics themselves, your words did convey the essence of what you had visualized and very graphically at that.

    Only, i'd rather you hadnt knitted it into a "theme" in the end. Some things are best left unconnected.

  2. Hi Ganesh,
    interesting post as always. i liked the part about "perky kid" and "old age of reality check" a lot and your personal views as well. you always post something different in your blog, love to read. keep posting.

  3. @ Hriday - thanks bro for the comment yeah I am still uncomfortable to blog without an ending or a theme i guess need to unlearn that :)

    @ Harman - hey thanks a lot for your nice comments its really encouraging...

  4. re Ganesh "the man with hidden talents and writing abilities"

    Very well written, Three different phases of life I can see the "S" curve of life clearly through your blog.

    Good show as always.

  5. @ Inspired Zorran - hey thanks for the nice comments :) but it puts too much pressure on me when I think of writing the next post :)
