Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Striver and Drifter

Yesterday I watched 2 interesting movies Black Swan and 7 Khoon Maaf. This post is not a movie review per say but looking closer at the title characters played by Natalie Portman (Nina) and Priyanka Chopra (Suzanna) and how they represent 2 distinct character types the striver and the drifter.

The Striver: Nina is a good ballet dancer who has had an unremarkable career for almost 4 years. Her dream is become the lead dancer and achieve glory and perfection. When she gets the dream role her real ordeal begins. The rest of movie looks at how coming so close to achieving her dream changes her equations with her family, friends and her own self worth.

Characteristics of a striver
  • Extremely passionate, hardworking and ambitious person 
  • The ambition is very lofty and borders on almost unhealthy obsession 
  • Unfortunately hard work is no substitute in some cases for raw talent. 
  • The person focuses too much on skill/techniques than you stop enjoying life 
  • Family and friends become secondary, that you are like a horse with blinkers 
  • You lose perspective and unable to handle failure or pressure. 
  • A striver often ends up hurting oneself emotionally than any enemy ever could. 

Needless to say, although ambition, drive is essential for one to succeed in one’s chosen field, but an unhealthy obsession doesn’t helps cause. Sometimes person does not even know his/her own key strengths and her purpose in life and may be chasing some fancy or living out a parent’s unfulfilled dreams.

The Drifter: Suzanna is a woman with considerable beauty and wealth at her disposal. In her quest for true love, she constantly re-invents herself to match up to her current husband/lover. E.g.: becoming a rocker girl for her rock star boyfriend, a deep interest in Urdu when she courts a poet. She soon finds something wrong in her life and she kills her husband and but soon enough she is optimistic again to pursue true love.

Characteristics of a drifter
  • A distinct lack of an ambition/ focus in life
  • Although natural talent helps one achieve his/her short term goals there is no real effort to achieve perfection
  • Prone to blame others for one’s problems with a victim complex
  • Extremely fickle minded, today want to become a swimmer tomorrow a violin player.
  • Unable to break a vicious self destructive pattern in life

The Real world: Although each of us really wants to achieve success in our chosen field, success has several components: - skill, efforts, networking, ability to unlearn and relearn, luck and patience.

Sometimes we may just not have what it takes to reach the pinnacle. Although millions want to become a Sachin Tendulkar or a Roger Federer only a handful will ever reach that space.

But it is certain neither a drifter or a striver will ever be happy in life as their approach is very much skewed. Ironically although a drifter and striver seem very different on the surface but what they are doing is actually the same thing. Having a fixed pattern in life and keep repeating it over and over.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different result - Albert Einstein

PS: What I really thought about the two movies;
Black Swan an amazing concept well executed and great performance by Natalie Portman and others.
7 Khoon Maaf is tad gimmickry driven, although the premise is interesting it is led down by predictable linear screen play. Although Priyanka Chopra was valiant enough to attempt this but the role was way out of her league.


  1. nice comparison.Everyone has mixture of both.liked the term vicious self destructive pattern.Must avoid at any cost.good one

  2. Great point, people are a bundle of contradictions

  3. Super post Gans, loved the observations you made. I think I have come across strivers more than drifters. It's a bit hard to understand the logic they follow as for the people, they will just appear ordinary. Thanks for this great insight though, for me I think I am very much towards the Striver than the drifter :-)

    BTW, is it right that the last para in The Real World should say 'neither' ?

  4. A good analysis G! In the process of chasing our dreams.. we meet many ppl whom we think- some as our well-wishers and some as our enemies... the fact being our own imagination and thoughts.. which in turn hurts us causing pain and thereby leading to self destruction..
    Well written!!! :)
    In the movie Black Swan,the scene where Nina(cries)tells her coach not to have Lily as her back-up.. Very beautifully picturised and acted!! And.. disturbing too..:(

  5. @ Sandip - Thanks a lot man :) I think we have both sides to us, we should learn to leverage the best of both.

    @ Rashmi - yes the worst wounds are often imagined and self inflicted. thats where family and friends pitch in.
