Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Dynamics of Relationships

As my peer group is hitting the quarter life crisis mark, lots of them including me are increasingly asking similar questions, how do we manage our relationships. By relationships I mean not only having a girl friend/boy friend, it also relates to keeping in touch with past friends and importantly how to make new friends or meet potential life partners.

Couple of interesting pieces written by my friends whose blogs I do follow regularly, actually made me think on these lines in more details. The problems include is being taken for granted by supposedly good friends to travails in finding your true soul-mate 

Why the Crisis in the first place

The job disperses the friendly group into different geographies which brings challenges of adjustment. Some adjust fast and some get bogged down more. The ones who cannot adjust become naturally self centred in order to make the adjustments, which is considered selfish by other friends. As time progresses, pay packages, the race to buy the new car, the comparisons begin to take toll on friendships.  Ego and the inability to communicate your true feelings is the problem in most cases. 

The Tough Question

There is one additional caveat, sometimes we outgrow a certain relationships and it is time to let go and there are relationships which can be rekindled with some interventions, the challenge is knowing which one needs to be pursued ?

Evaluating this questions becomes really tough, it requires us to be objective ( tough call for a irrational social animal called man/woman), keep aside our ego, delusions and the tendency to wanting to cling on and decide if the relation is giving us positive energy and is meaningful or it is actually deceptive, draining our energy and eroding our self worth.

Rather than going more detail and being prescriptive, I would just say in the words of Shakespeare To thy own self be true, reflect over your relationships, take stock of friends, acquaintances and enemies. Decide who needs to stay, who needs to go and what are your priorities in life. At first It may seem tough, scary but then you need bite the bullet and make the seemingly tough decisions.

The Three Ring Theory

Reference is due to Khalil who came come up with theory in the first place long back in my engineering days . In order to have sustainable good relationships, we need three rings or three kind of friend circles.

First Ring

The inner circle of closest friends whom who can confide everything and also fewer in number. The most mature and oldest friends.

Second Ring

The good friends and the hangout buddies which comprises of a bigger circle with whom we do share our interests and are in touch with regularly.

Third Ring

The social acquaintances like office colleagues, classmates the folks with whom we enjoy the occasional banter and have a potential to move up into the inner circles. I believe this circle is important as today's strangers become tomorrow's good friends.

In summary, I believe it is important to maintain a wide circle of friends so that we give space to our close friends and give chances to get to know new people so that the cycle of making new friends does not have to die after we hit the corporate world.


  1. Hey Doc
    Thanx for the credit :)
    So my theory was penned down finally.
    Cheers :)

  2. Hey Ganesh, great going buddy! and so true about the quarter life crisis. Maybe the next post could be on the questions we quarter-lives are being asked...when are you biting the dust? (aka, marriage)..hehehe..

    keep 'em rolling!

  3. @ Khalil- no problems the credit is under GNU license :D free publishing rights

    @ Intrepid - yeah bite the dust is one interesting line u get to hear.
    More ones are :-

    in addition the laments about no replies to mails
    I am very busy aaj kal talk to u on the weekend
    we should catch up some time
    I was just thinking about u before u called
    I wish I had a gf / bf

    etc etc ... maybe we can have one post on tat

  4. Yeh Gans, very well said.. I liked the phrases in your comments too.. Just want to add one more which I frequently listen 'You know, I am not in touch with you, but I do care for you and consider you my best friend' .. I feel like WTF! Your behaviour is not just justified by your intentions but also by your actions.. You may have a heart of gold but so does a hard boiled egg!

    Kudos To Khalilio !

  5. @ Sandy - thanks buddy .... your comments do increase my confidence to blog more !!
    maybe I will write a post on the meaningless things ppl say which they dont mean at all !!

  6. Nice post Ganesh....but I'd like to add something to this theory though. Friends/ppl can move from one ring to another. Obviously, friends can move from Third Ring to the First Ring...but what is less obvious, and most ppl hate to admit is that friends can also move from First Ring to the Second or Third Ring. Someone who is very close at one point in time, could become a person we hardly talk to at another point of time.

  7. hey anup ... good point indeed all of us have faced this scenario of losing touch with great friends, i guess the void left by them is what filled by the new acquaintances !

  8. Hey interesting stratification but very valid and it exists in our heads though most of the times we dont have it sorted out in words :)

    Good work!
